Hackathon 4: A learning Experience
     For this Hackathon, I went in with a plan. I was going to fuse glass to make stained glass earrings. Well, that didn't work as we didn't have a food safe microwave. Then, I wanted to make a pendant, still with glass, and that didn't work either. The pieces I wanted to cut were too small for the waterjet to cut properly, and it ended up messing up around halfway through the cut. Needless to say, I paniced. But I still needed a project to do. So, I turned to my iPad, opened Procreate and got to work. 

     In CRT 103, the intro to prototyping class, we created a game. My main character for this game was named Wisp, a genderless character that was made to be projected on by the player. I had been wanting to redesign them into a more complex and better model, so I figured it would be a perfect point to pivot too. I used references from both male and female models, icorporating their anatomy into Wisp's design. I even got to redesign their cloak, deciding to play into the cooler nature of Wisp's color pallate, and went with a design reminiscent of a peacock feather. Overall, I'm really proud of myself for pivitoing like I did and banging out a really cool design for a character that I made and one that means so much to me. 
Hackathon 4

Hackathon 4
